The Legends and The Legacy-Descendent of Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington
What comes to mind when you think of Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washngton? Now imagine being the direct descendent of both of these...
Click this photo to hear her interview Saturday, June 28th, 2014
11 AM -1PM EST.
Live on Brunch In The Basement With
JaVonne. Call (347) 826-7536 to listen on your phone (press 1 to show your love)
Click this photo to listen to the interview live on Brunch In The Basement With JaVonne Saturday, July 12, 2014
Call (347) 996-5394 to listen OR Press 1 to join the discussion. It is going to be fun! Call in, Tune in, Be in the basement with JaVonne
Click this photo to listen to the interview live on Brunch In The Basement With JaVonne Saturday, August 9, 2014
Call (347) 996-5394 to listen OR Press 1 to join the discussion. It is going to be fun! Call in, Tune in, Be in the basement with JaVonne
Click this photo to listen to the interview live on Brunch In The Basement With JaVonne Saturday, July 19, 2014
Call (347) 996-5394 to listen OR Press 1 to join the discussion. It is going to be fun! Call in, Tune in, Be in the basement with JaVonne
Click this photo to listen to the interview live on Brunch In The Basement With JaVonne Saturday, August 9, 2014
Call (347) 996-5394 to listen OR Press 1 to join the discussion. It is going to be fun! Call in, Tune in, Be in the basement with JaVonne
Click this photo to listen to the interview live on Brunch In The Basement With JaVonne Saturday, July 5, 2014
Call (347) 826-7546 to listen OR Press 1 to join the discussion. It is going to be powerful! Call in, Tune in, Be in the basement with JaVonne